Nothing can beat real people working together

Traffic is more than just red lines on the map

With community-edited maps, you won't hit a dead end

Your friends are just around the corner

Save on gas, every time you fill up


Waze is a free turn-by-turn navigation app with daily map updates, speech support and real-time traffic information.
Rock Werchter 2018

Rock Werchter 2018

Are you thinking about rocking out at Rock Werchter this year? Waze is ready for it! To ease your trip, we have listed a couple of tips & tricks below. To try and get to the festival as smoothly as possible, it would be best to choose one of the destinations...

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Waze Beacons

Waze Beacons

Navigation systems are great... as long as they can get a satellite signal. Without satellites, navigation systems turn back into the regular map from the past. Having your navigation system turn into a regular map halfway during a drive can be very discomforting and...

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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! We would like to wish you all the best for 2019! We hope 2018 was great and that 2019 will be even greater! Kind regards, The Waze Belgium Community

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Want to send in a suggestion for the Waze app?

Want to send in a suggestion for the Waze app?

As you might be aware, this website is ran by the volunteers who maintain the navigation map of Waze within Belgium. The Waze app however is maintained solely by Waze, the company. We therefore do not have any control over what gets added to the Waze app. It is...

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Waze is klaar voor het Circulatieplan van Gent

Waze is klaar voor het Circulatieplan van Gent

Ook na 3 april zal Waze u correct door Gent loodsen Waze, de gratis "turn-by-turn"-gps-navigatie app, zal als één van de enige bij de aanvang van het Gentse Circulatieplan rekening houden met de gewijzigde verkeerssituatie. Vanaf 3 april treedt in Gent namelijk het...

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Getting in touch

Want to ask us a question or send in a remark? The best way to get in touch with us is via our social media accounts:

Facebook Twitter

Please do note that we can’t help you with any account-related issues or app-related questions. For those, it is best to contact Waze Support.

Should you wish to get in touch with a private message, you can always use our contact form. Only the community leaders will receive these messages.

Want to help out?

Do you have any burning questions, amazing suggestions or just want to help Waze grow by becoming part of the community? You can join our Slack collaboration group where it is easy to talk with all other members of the community!

Where to get Waze

The Waze app is free to download on both Google Play & the App Store.

Download_Googleplay  Download_Appstore

Did you know?

Waze has its own separate map, which is completely disconnected from all other maps, maintained by thousands of volunteers worldwide.
The Waze map of Belgium was objectively found to be the best of Europe in 2018 by the Waze developers.
Waze has been around since 2006, then called "Freemap Israel". It was created after the frustration that it was impossible to submit any corrections to the then-present navigation systems.
The Waze map receives an update almost every day. The latest map data gets pulled automatically whenever a user starts driving, allowing for very up to date driving instructions.
All of the collaborations with governments, road agencies and most other companies are done for free. The Global Event Partner and Connected Citizen Programs are provided by Waze, but the local community does more than that!
Waze's accurate traffic information comes almost exclusively from the aggregated location data of its users. This allows Waze users to help out each other.
Belgium was the first country in Waze to have a country-wide coverage of over 99% on speed limit data on roads and is still one of the few countries in the world with this coverage.
It is very possible that the quickest route still goes through a traffic jam. Waze generally does not evade traffic jams if there is no time to gain.
It is very easy to report map problems to the Waze community with the orange button in the app or via social media.
Even after being bought by Google in 2013, Waze is still a company functioning on its own for the most part.
Waze organizes a meetup for the local community every year. There you can hear about upcoming features and what the local community has achieved during the past year.
Everybody is allowed to make changes to the map in their local area! At the very least you are able to change the local roads, as long as you have driven near them lately.
There are only about 5 road maps with a worldwide coverage in existence and the Waze map is one of them.
Waze cares for your privacy. For example: if you report a map issue, volunteers do not get to see any information near your starting point or destination.
There are over 300 local Waze volunteers within Belgium, who maintain the local map and respond to any reported map issues.